Monday, February 29, 2016

Veterinary Management of Equine Reproduction: Twins

Twins? Sounds good, but in horses? it is very important when you are determining if your mare is pregnant whether or not she has twins. Since twins can both be dangerous to the foals and to the mare, it is best to ensure that there is only one fetus. Early twin elimination, or twin reduction may be required to ensure at least the mare makes it. Most mares will automatically abort twins, even if they carry them later into the pregnancy. You should check through transrectal ultrasonography if the mare is pregnant with twins by day 14, and eliminate the second fetus if necessary. Early detection and manually removing one of the fetuses is important. Through watching the ultrasound, you squeeze or crush the embryo. It does not normally bother the mare, but she should be watched to make sure the second fetus was eliminated.

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