Monday, February 29, 2016

Laboratory Animal Medicine Discussion 1

I am Stephanie Small and I am a Veterinary Technician student that just finished my veterinary assistant certificate. I have no experience working in a laboratory. I am interested in laboratory animal medicine since I have always had an interest in what is happening. I have owned large amounts of mice kept in separate containers on several occasions.  I am looking to know more which would allow me to enter into science fields. I am very interested in working in research in addition to working in the veterinary field. I am interested in AALAS certification. I think it would be important to know how to properly care for animals in a laboratory setting.
The ability to care other animals and manage their welfare is important.  Handling animals and how to treat lab animals and more in important. I have always had an interest in animal sciences, and I have even found interest during dissections and other projects we have done in classes.  Careful monitoring of the animals is a good step to learn, knowing how much the animals may vary is important.
I personally have experience working with birds, livestock, cats, dogs, pocket pets and fish. All of these animals may have their place in a laboratory setting. I am interested in seeing them well taken care of and to that end, it is of interest to me to learn more and develop more lab animal husbandry techniques and care skills.
Once I trained horses by a research Doctor who used to perform surgeries on sheep, goats and more for human use. He was well known in the medical community as someone who had made breakthroughs in animal body parts being used for human use. The stable owners mentioned that he had a rigorous care system and the animals were very well taken care of. They were also very careful to note that the sterilization techniques used were stringent and going in and out of the facility sounded like they may have had a lot of disinfection protocols.

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