Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Animals and Society: Religion's Impact on Animals

Religion has several effects on how we treat animals and how humans have developed bonds with pets. There are some religions that say that animals are our brothers and sisters. Most religions promote the good treatment of animals. Many of them are anthropocentric, putting humans at the center of the world and making them the important animals that should be recognized. Some animals are actually put onto a more even playing field spiritually with humans There are some religions which promote the animals such as cattle as being highly evolved and spiritual creatures, sometimes even with magical powers. 
There are religions that honor goats, as well as those that cast them down as scapegoats. There are some religions that treat animals poorly, even abusing or torturing them and turning them into sacrifices or spectacles. There are many religions however, that embody the god treatment of animals and the well-being of all living creatures. Many of them promote healthy treatment of animals. In Bedouin cultures, it is said the more grain you give your horse, the more sins forgotten. Horses are held in high regard by some cultures, and given the positions of power often given to humans, such as oracles.
Pet keeping has come a long way as people find that caring for their animals are a good thing. The lives of many animals improve, however, there are some circumstances (Not usually pet ones) where animals suffer (such as puppy mills). Popularity of pet keeping has improved as people learn more about how animals are honored in their religions (or in others as people explore other faiths). It has certainly helped increase the keeping of animals, especially cats, dogs and horses. A cowboy church in the last town I lived in promoted horse keeping!

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