. In Napa, there were 2 cases of lyme disease and
Ehrlichiosis out of the 813 tested. Out of this number, Anaplasmosis has had 7
positive cases. This puts this figure a little higher, but the area seems to be
rather safe. This may be due to the lack of testing of dog populations, low pet
populations, the likelihood of the region to produce ticks (regionally, there
is a lot of pesticide use) or the level of pet care.
Anaplasmosis is a disease caused by the bacteria Anapasma
phagocytophilium. The pathogen is transmitted to a human or pet through a tick
bite. This is a disease carried by the black-legged tick, Ixodes scapularis the
deer tick. This is the same tick that carries Lyme disease. This makes
coinfections likely (and most likely what we are seeing here in Napa).
Anaplasmosis infection in dogs may be hard to spot. It could be identified with
loss of appetite, neck pain, neurological signs, reluctance to move, lameness
or lethargy. In Anaplasma platys, another variety, they may be hard to find. This
infection may have bruising on the gums and belly and include spontaneous
To take care of pets choose the right product to use on
pets. I would select Fipronil and I would go with one of the Frontline
To protect humans stay on trails when possible. Repellants
with DEET should be used on the skin. Permethrin tick repellents should be used
on clothing. When you are in an area that has had ticks, check yourself
immediately. It is important to remove ticks from your body right away. Humans
get mild or no symptoms. Nausea, muscle aches, fatigue, headache, fever and other
flu like symptoms are Anaplasmosis symptoms. A rash, coughing or vomiting may
occur in some people. If someone has a weakened immune system, it may affect
them strongly. Luckily, Anaplasmosis is rarely fatal in humans.
Treat the outdoor environment for ticks. Be mindful of how
these products affect the environment. Provide a landscape change to provide a
buffer to protect pets from tick areas in yards is helpful. Getting rid of wild
animals from the yard helps reduce ticks. Ticks should be properly removed from
people and pets. This is to prevent the head from getting stuck. At our
shelter, we use alcohol on ticks to kill them yet preserve them for
identification and information. I got pictures of the local ticks.
Knowing about ticks is helpful. Although they cause only
direct irritation from the bite, they can transmit dangerous disease with all
kinds of symptoms. In addition, if killed they can leave the head in which can
become infected. Tick control products help reduce numbers.
Some symptoms of tick based disease are lameness, paralysis,
anemia and fever as well as other symptoms. People get bit by a tick to get the
disease. These diseases are not spread from their pets directly. A dog with one
of these ticks can spread disease to another human only if the tick bites the
dog then transmits the pathogen to the human through another bite.
California has 50 different tick species known. Here is a
complete list of Napa’s ticks: http://napamosquito.org/vectors-and-pests/ticks/supplemental-ticks/
Argassidae (soft bodied ticks)
lack a hard dorsal shield
top view has visible mouth parts
Calif. has 19 species
Ixodidae (hard bodied ticks)
Calif. has 31 species
Napa County has 10 tick species (2 soft bodied and 8 hard
Western Black-legged Tick (Ixodes pacificus)
Lyme disease spirochete
Equine Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis Rickettsia
Pacific Coast Tick, (Dermacentor occidentalis)
Brown Dog Tick, (Rhipicephalus sanguineus) [most common in
Calif. Kennels]
Rocky Mountain Fever
canine ehrlichiosis
canine babesiosis
American Dog Tick, (Dermacentor variabilis)
Rocky Mountain Spotted fever rickettsia
bacterium responsible for Tularemia
Saliva can cause tick paralysis.
I intern at the Sonoma County Animal Services. I have included tick pictures from last week. These were off the strays that came in. The tech soaks them in alcohol and saves them for us interns to look at. Yay. Here, now I am sharing the fun. Enjoy.
Anaplasmosis, Human Granulocytic. California Department of
Public Health. https://www.cdph.ca.gov/HealthInfo/discond/Pages/Anaplasmosis.aspx
Dogs and Ticks. Anaplasmosis. http://www.dogsandticks.com/diseases_and_symptoms/anaplasmosis.php
Napa County Mosquito Abatement District. Common Ticks. http://napamosquito.org/vectors-and-pests/ticks/common-ticks/
Tick Napa complete list: http://napamosquito.org/vectors-and-pests/ticks/supplemental-ticks/