I selected http://www.cdc.gov/heartdisease/index.htm which is by the Center for Disease Control. I selected it for its modern methods of research, the fact that it was the best one of the many websites I viewed and it is good quality. We use the Center for Disease Control in many of the classes I have participated in. They are excellent and have up to date information that is precise and well researched often with their own laboratories, they provide information to the professional fields, and of the websites I read through they had a very comprehensive website. This website selection was because of its trustworthy source, common cited use, thorough research, ease of use and quality of information. I think the presentation is easy to understand. You can always print information material from the Center for Disease control’s website which I really like.
The Center for Disease Control operates 24/7 to protect America’s health, security and safety. Diseases are researched, the security of the nation is monitored and the CDC helps protect against these and other concerns. They have advanced laboratories and computers to monitor health. They track disease. They help with medical care and nurture health. They fight diseases in other countries to prevent them entering the United States. The Center for Disease Control is very reliable providing up to date information on a variety of health concerns.
The Center for Disease control is recognized worldwide for its contributions to research and education. They have lots of information on many subjects some of which overlap. They are about health concerns, toxins, environmental considerations and more. It is a go-to website for many professionals. Since they do a lot of research they are considered primary source on many subjects. They provide resources to other links and organizations. They have lots of programs and run informational programs as well. They are involved with education. They monitor diseases and toxins and other health concerns. They have laboratories and fund research.
On this website, it says that heart disease refers to many conditions. It has links to information on coronary artery disease, heart attacks and other related conditions. There are factsheets you can download too. It points out risk factors like smoking, high cholesterol and high blood pressure, age and family history. Some of these factors can be controlled. It mentions that healthy diet, healthy weight, physical activating, not smoking/using tobacco and limiting the use of alcohol can all help to keep your blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar level normal to lower the risk of heart attack or heart disease. Heart disease kills more than 600,000 people a year and is the leading cause of death in the United States. Education material is available on this website for patients and professionals. Links to Journal Articles are reliable and have some recent up to date information available.
I recommend this website for its education, reliability and more. On the website: http://www.cdc.gov/heartdisease/index.htmit provides tips on practicing health living and integrating them into habits and how to treat and prevent medical conditions. This website provides information on heart disease, the risk factors, how you can prevent heart disease, statistics, educational information, journal articles and even a quiz to test what you know. You can also sign up for email updates. You can explore the rest of cdc.gov to find out more information on other conditions.